Identification of Mimotopes

Sometimes, antibody targets are labile, expensive, or inaccessible; in such cases, a peptide mimotope can be a surrogate in all kinds of assays.

Epitopic’s technology enabling in-depth fingerprinting of antibody epitopes will identify them, too. In most cases, antibodies bind to peptides that are different from the actual epitope (by sequence), even with higher affinity. In some cases, these are advantageous, especially when structurally complex antigen epitopes are difficult to reproduce in high-affinity peptides. Such mimotope peptides can be useful tools in assays quantifying therapeutic antibodies in production and patient monitoring, when the actual antibody target is unstable (GPCRs), expensive (hormones), or, for other reasons, not compatible with standard analytical and diagnostic procedures.

Statistical analysis of the epitope fingerprinting process allows the identification of candidates with high affinity and few chemical or stability issues. They bind as specifically as the original antigen, although they might not be identical by sequence or even apparent structure.

The work effort and sample requirements are almost identical to normal epitope fingerprinting.
Contact us to find out more about this application of our technology.

  • Peptides replacing complex molecules
  • Mimotopes instead of full size antigens